
Just wanted to take a minute and say thank you for the great products and expertise you have provided me. When I started that first small food plot with your winter mix a few years ago I had no idea how successful it would be. I had used several major off-the-shelf brand mixes with limited success. Now I have expanded to 5.5 acres of various food plot types and sizes that look great, are producing lots of high quality food and they are holding up under the constant pressure the deer/turkey are putting on them. I have gone from just a few deer to dozens of all types and sizes. I credit your winter mix for helping me attract and grow the biggest deer ever on my land, including a beautiful 10 pointer I harvested this past season. In addition, I now have another big 10 point wintering on the land. The turkeys are wearing out the food plots. I have flocks of gobblers and hens with the young birds coming to feed every day. I am getting my order ready for spring and look forward to planting Forage Tech products again. I am going to expand my use of your summer mix plus I want to try the Burgundy Bean Mix. The perennial plots I planted in the fall are doing great and are being utilized heavily as evidenced by the exclusion cages.

I really like the big seeds in one bag and the small seeds in another. This allows me to plant the big seed deeper in the soil and then come back with the small seed on top. My germination rate has increased tremendously through this process. The fertilizer you have provided is outstanding. Using a fertilizer that is blended especially for wildlife food plots has made a big improvement over my old fertilizing methods. The production and health of the plants has clearly increased to levels I did not think we could obtain especially when you consider my fields are ridge tops that have average soil at best. I look forward to working with Forage Tech to supply all of my wildlife food plot seeds and fertilizer in the future.

Tony Anderson, Interstate AC
Nashville, TN